The College family took pleasure in welcoming Fr.A.Mac MAYOORAN, to be the Rector And Fr.Renald Cherilness (Fr. SUMAN) to be the Vice Rector To St.Henry’s College.

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  1. Nilanthy says:


  2. K. Bernard says:

    I appreciate the marvellous services of Rector Rev. Fr. Godfrey as well as vice Rector for his remarkable services for St, Henry’s Community.
    I would like to Wormley welcome to new Rector and Vice Rector.
    I wish you all and pray for you all.
    Praise the Lord.
    God blesses to you all.
    K. Bernard

  3. Emil Mahen Kumar says:

    I have watched with great pride the work of Fr Godfrey as Rector of St Henry’s College over the last five years. His commitment to develop the school and his perseverance to help our community, in particular the underprivileged touched our hearts. We remain grateful for his great service to our college covering almost all aspects of college life and also his devotion to making St Henry’s greener. His green campaign saw the planting of 44 trees on one particular occasion.

    He helped the college take huge strides forward with university entrances and excellence in sports. I am indeed delighted that one of our Henricians has been able to represent the Under 20 Sri Lankan national football team. We watched with great pride the many champions cups that were attained during his tenor.

    He will be very much missed and embodies a firm symbol of the brilliance of our alma mater. He will continue to shine wherever he goes and his legacy at St Henry’s will last. Let us offer our prayers and best wishes for his future. We wish the new rector all the best and our prayers for him and his team.

    Emil Kumar, London

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