Rev.Fr.K.James Singarayar

                2002- 2009

Ee. K. James Singarayar (2002 Todate)
Fr Karunathitajah James Singarayar was given to Fr. Justin 1992 as Assistant to him when St.
Henry’sCollege was in exile in Manipay He served as Vice Rector for a good 10 years before he took
the reins of St. Henry’s in August 2002 asits Rector
Fr. Justin Gnanapragasam was asked to assume the Rector-ship of St. Patrick’s College by the
Bishop of Jaffna and he had to leave llavalai after a prolonged 23 yearstay at St. Henry’s.
It was then an equally challenging for a young Fr. James Singarayar to shoulder a bigger
responsibility With his burning zeal he took upon the challenge began to prove his metle.

Last two deeades in Jafina, has been a spell of combat, which continues yet, except for a brief respite
of absence of war that came about following the Ceasefire of February 2002, which was in tatters
after a couple of years. The situation is all the same and Fr. James is at present caught with inte
of the war one side and the other, the prevalent food shortages. This has rather a
running the Hostel. Nevertheless, he set out and completed the two storey block Fr. Justin
started, renovated the Hostel with a new roofand otheradditions from the assistance he derived fronm
Henricians UK and Swiss. He keeps on improving the Computer Room with additional computers.
He is retaining the tempo of the Henrician fervour in soccer on the upbeat; they are doing fine at the
regional level. On studies too he is striving hard, pushing the teachers and the students alike to excel
at the exams. He began developing the reading habits among the students and made them available
with a lot of books from the Department. He brought about an equitable system of disbursing the
Trust Funds in consultation with the Trustees for the students.

2007 evidently has been a golden year despite of ravaging war and a host of other ills, as
the Centenary Year of the founding St. Henry’s brought forth immense joy, nostalgia
thankfulness from the old Henricians which was richly demonstrated by their own celebrations
already held in London and Paris and thankfulness from the old Henricians which was richly demonstrated by their own celebrations
already held in London and Paris.

At home, Fr. Rector and the lavalai OBA jointly celebrated the Centenary on July 13th, having his
Lordship Rt. Rev. Thomas Savundranaygam as the Chief Guest and Fr. Justin Gnanap
GuestofHonour. Earlicrhe had a grand Centenary Prize Day. All these are credible fetes of Fr. James
Singarayar, whose enormous energy  duty consciousness and true devotion towards our Alma Mater will
will stand in good stead for St. Henry’s.